App Update

Update your app! Newness awaits...

Our developers have been hard at work on the latest version of MoodMission, which has now been released on Android and iOS. Among the changes, we have made many of the starting surveys optional. Up until now, these had to be compulsory due to the nature of the research we were using the app for. But now we are soooo glad that we can make them optional so new users can get to completing Missions even faster.

Among the other tweaks, we've added a small red dot counter to the home screen when you have a Mission in progress, and new Mission Complete screen.

The "I Need Help Now" option has been changed to "Other Support Options", because we now list a variety of alternate supports, rather than just crisis help lines.

As always, we are very keen to hear your thoughts and feedback on our work, so please leave any comments below :)